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1960 - 1972

An aerial view of St. Joseph taken in the 1940s.

20世纪60年代初,医疗保健行业的格局开始发生变化, 到1968年, 圣修女会. Francis were in dialogue with the medical staff of St. 约瑟夫医院的未来生存能力,如果不是生存. 社区内部正在讨论是否需要改造旧的St. 约瑟的 Hospital located 11th St. and Big Horn, or build a new one.

In a letter dated March 17, 1968, St. 弗朗西斯的母亲. 穆里尔写道, “现在决定这个社区是要建一所新医院还是改造现有医院似乎很重要. 修女们不可能承担建造新楼的任务. IM电竞App官网没有200万或300万美元可以花费……如果联盟社区想要建立一个新的医院,IM电竞App官网愿意继续为它提供人员……”

人们希望修女们能参与资助一所新医院, but it wasn’t to be. 然而,他们仍然希望能够成为新医院运营的一部分.

And so the ball started to roll on innumerable private gatherings, discussions and public meetings for a community owned hospital. It was a bumpy ride, to say the least.

On January 14, 1971, Sister M. Kathleen, Administrator of St. 约瑟的 Hospital, announced that 圣修女会. 弗朗西斯已经得出结论,他们将停止在圣. 约瑟的 Hospital in favor of building a new facility. 她说,修女们得出的结论是,花费100万美元改造该设施是不可行的. Sister Kathleen said, “IM电竞App官网相信联盟的人民将采取行动,以满足社区对更好的卫生设施的需求. In the meantime, the Sisters will continue to operate St. 直到新医院开业,但不得迟于1973年7月1日.”

1971年4月,博克斯比特县医院委员会,由查尔斯. 英, 宣布将于4月29日召开会议,听取社区建筑公司提出的建议, 利奥戴利公司. 奥马哈. More study was needed to give the community additional options, 到5月11日, the committee had four proposals on the table: 1) Remodeling St. 约瑟的 at a cost of $2,149,200, 以300美元,000 being raised via a fund drive; 2) Build a new building at a new site, with total cost $2,199,200 excluding land; 3) Build a new building at the existing location with a total cost of $2,149,200; 4) A “get buy” option of purchasing St. 并进行了足够的更新,以“获得购买”,估计耗资60万美元.

After asking for input from the community, the committee held a joint meeting on June 3, 1971 with the Alliance City Council, 海明福德村和博克斯比特郡委员宣布其建议. The committee recommended the building of a new hospital, whereupon it was disbanded having completed its duties. 6月16日,三个理事机构举行公开会议,同意了委员会的建议, with cost estimates increasing to $2,225,000. A steering committee was formed to move the plan forward. 该委员会, after meeting several times, 决定建造一所新的医院作为县拥有的设施更为可行, 并举行一次特别选举,通过税收筹集必要的资金. 一项请愿运动宣布通过特别选举将此事提交给县选民.

The decision wasn’t without its detractors, 随着那年秋天特别选举的临近,这一点变得越来越清晰. 当地报纸给编辑写了几封“抱怨”的信,表达了对建造新设施计划的不满, with other letters in support.  The concerns expressed about the cost of the hospital were heard, and the Hospital Committee announced on September 30, 1971, 计划中的50张床位的急症护理医院的费用减少了650美元,000, bringing total costs down to $1,575,000.

去年10月,请愿活动获得了958个签名,取得了成功. The Box Butte County Commissioners set November 23, 1971 as the date for the special election, 询问选民是否“……内布拉斯加州博克斯比特县发行其本金不超过一百七十五万美元的可转让债券。,750,为建造或收购一所县社区医院提供资金…"

由于公众对St. 如果投票否决了上述债券的发行,圣约瑟夫医院的姐妹会. 方济各发表了一份声明,称他们将继续运营圣. 约瑟的 if such was the case, due to the public’s concern, thus reversing their earlier decision to close by July of 1973.

随之而来的是一连串的竞争广告和致编辑的信, 一些人敦促选民批准,而另一些人则主张否决这一债券发行. The divide was evident even at St. 约瑟的, 在这个问题上,持不同观点的员工会打出宣传自己立场的广告.

When November 23rd arrived, voting was heavy throughout the day. 最终,该提案以154票(1666票赞成,1823票反对)被否决.
